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EU Social Economy Gateway
Council recommendation

on developing social economy framework conditions

As part of the implementation of the action plan for the social economy, the Commission adopted a proposal for a Council recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions on 13 June 2023. The Recommendation was adopted by the Council on 27 November 2023.

The Recommendation aims to advance access to the labour market and social inclusion by supporting Member States in integrating the social economy into their policies and creating supportive measures and a favourable environment for social economy entities. By supporting the social economy, the recommendation also aims to drive social innovation, sustainable economic and industrial development, and contribute to territorial cohesion in the Member States. 

The Recommendation provides guidance to Member States on

  • how public policies and legal frameworks can be tailored to support the actions of the social economy, particularly in areas where it is less developed, and
  • how administrative and institutional structures can be adapted to support social economy entities and engage with social economy stakeholders.

Member States are recommended to adopt or update strategies for the social economy within 24 months after the adoption of the Recommendation.

  • 30 NOVEMBER 2023
Council recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions

Why do we need a Council recommendation?

Despite growing recognition and development in recent years, the evolution of the social economy is uneven across the European Union. Disparities are evident, for example, in the share of paid employment accounted for by the social economy, which varies between 0.6% and 9.9% across Member States, with an EU average of 6.3%.

Adapting policies and legislation to the diverse entities and business models within the social economy across a wide range of sectors is a complex challenge. Effective support for the social economy therefore requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account all the interrelated aspects that affect it. This includes the adaptation of legal frameworks and the implementation of targeted policies by public authorities, as well as the effective organisation of administrative and institutional structures to meet the specific needs of the social economy and to facilitate communication with its stakeholders. The Council recommendations aims to respond to this need.

Overview of topics

The Council recommendation has a broad scope, covering areas as diverse as employment and social inclusion, access to finance, public procurement, State aid, taxation, social impact measurement, and data and statistics, reflecting the variety of policy domains influencing the social economy.

The Council recommendation consists of two main parts:

  • A section on integrating the social economy into Member States' socio-economic policies, highlighting the potential of the social economy in these areas; and
  • A section on implementing measures to promote an enabling environment for the social economy. This will strengthen the social economy in general so that it can better realise its full potential in support of socio-economic policies.

These two sections are followed by information on the actions undertaken by the European Commission to support the implementation of the Recommendation, followed by provisions on monitoring and evaluation.

Click on the expandables below to read a summary of these sections.

Next steps

The Council recommendation urges Member States to formulate and implement comprehensive strategies that recognise and promote the social economy, or adapt existing strategies and policy initiatives to this end, within 24 months of the adoption of the Recommendation, i.e. by the end of 2025.

To support Member States in developing their strategies, the Commission will organise a series of mutual learning workshops between March and June 2024. These workshops will bring together representatives of Member States' public authorities to promote the exchange of knowledge and experience in the formulation of strategies for the social economy.

Member States will monitor and evaluate the steps taken to achieve the objectives of the Recommendation, and report to the Commission on their progress within four years of its adoption, and again five years after that.

  1. 13 June 2023
    Proposal adopted by the Commission
  2. 27 November 2023
    Council recommendation adopted by the Council
  3. end of 2025
    Adoption of strategies for the social economy by Member States

    The Council recommendation encourages Member States to design and roll out comprehensive strategies that recognise and stimulate the social economy, or adapt existing strategies or other policy initiatives, within 24 months of the adoption of the Recommendation.

  4. 2027
    First reporting period

    The Council recommendation recommends Member States to report to the Commission on their progress in implementing this Recommendation by no later than four years following its adoption and again five years after that.

  5. 2032
    Second reporting period

Stakeholder consultation

The Commission carried out an extensive consultation process on this initiative, involving the general public and a wide range of stakeholders. The process included the publication of a ‘call for evidence’, an opinion from the European Committee of the Regions, and meetings with social partners, civil society organisations, the Employment and the Social Protection Committees, and the Expert Group on social economy and social enterprises. The European Parliament's Social Economy Intergroup and the European Economic and Social Committee also provided input into the scope of the proposal.

The aim of these consultations was to achieve a balanced overview of all the types of stakeholders concerned – Member States, social economy entities, funding intermediaries and academics. Details on the consultation process are analysed in a Commission staff working document.

Main document

  • 30 NOVEMBER 2023
Council recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions