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EU Social Economy Gateway
  • non-governmental organisation


Philea Logo

Philea (Philanthropy Europe Association) nurtures a diverse and inclusive ecosystem of foundations, philanthropic organisations and networks working for the common good.

With individual philanthropies and national-level infrastructure organisations in over 30 countries as members, they unite over 10,000 public-benefit foundations that seek to improve life for people and communities in Europe and around the world.   

Their vision is for philanthropy to use its full potential to co-shape and support a pluralistic, just and resilient society that centres people and planet.  

Their mission is to enable, encourage and empower the philanthropic community to build a better today and tomorrow.   

Philea galvanises collective action and amplify the voice of European philanthropy. Together they:   

  • Co-create knowledge and learn from effective practices   
  • Collaborate around current and emerging issues   
  • Promote enabling environments for doing good