The GRAINS (Greening Agrifood in Social Economy) project aims to address the challenges faced by SMEs in agrifood by providing training on sustainable practices and on how to reduce their environmental footprint. GRAINS supports capacity building, knowledge transfer, and cooperation among social economy SMEs in the agri-food sector. The project facilitates the transfer of knowledge and expertise from experts and practitioners through mentorship and coaching programs, as well as through advisory support, additional training, counselling and labelling services. More info:
From the 29 of February 2024 until the 30 April 2024 the project is opening a Call for Proposals for Financial Support for Social Economy SMEs in Agrifood, from which it will select up to 60 Social Economy SMEs in the agrifood sector to take part in the GRAINS project Financial Facility Program.
The activities for which social economy SMEs may receive financial support are: training (upskilling and reskilling),consultancy and labelling for greening their operations, tailored advisory services to develop local markets, other elements necessary for greening their enterprises (eco certifications, eco packaging, digitalisation and technologies, etc.), additional path of coaching and mentoring (specific coaching and mentoring services are already offered to Social Economy SMEs through other project activities). Application process and more details are available in the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and on the funding and tender portal.
Opening date: 29 February 2024
Deadline for applications: 30 April 2024