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EU Social Economy Gateway

SKI.F.T. Skills for Transition - Increasing the Impact of Micro and Small Social Economy Enterprises (cascade funding under SMP-COSME-2022-SEE-01)

Call for social economy enterprises to receive advisory services and coaching to support green transition.

The aim of this call for social economy enterprises is to enable them to get a deeper understanding of the possibility of green transition and increase success and impact of their transition projects.

The support will contribute to strengthening the resilience, innovation capacity, competitiveness, and sustainability of small and micro cooperative and social economy enterprises (SEEs) with a social mission or impact across Europe, enabling them to embrace green transition.

Applicants to this Call will access advisory and coaching services. Furthermore, for a selected number of applicants that will compete successfully in the Advisory and Coaching Activities, there is the opportunity to apply in a following call for social economy enterprises to receive financial support for purchasing capacity building services to be launched in October 2024 and the opportunity to participate in one transnational seminar on green transition at European level planned for January-February 2025.

Expected duration of participation
The call will remain open as long as funding is available. Participants should expect to commit to advisory and coaching services for a duration of a min. of 3 months.

The training sessions will be organised on-line and/or in presence, in English or other languages admitted by the call (Danish, Italian, Polish).


Total funding available: 484 200 € 

Project acronym

Full name of the EU funded project
Skills for Transition - Increasing the Impact of Micro and Small Social Economy Enterprises

 Cascade funding under SMP-COSME-2022-SEE-01


Total funding available: 484 200 € 

Opening date: 21 May 2024
Deadline for applications: 30 September 2024 12:00 (Brussels time) 

More information on the call