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EU Social Economy Gateway
  • News article
  • 13 June 2023
  • Social Economy Europe
  • 1 min read

Social Economy Europe: 10 years anniversary video

Watch the anniversary video that Social Economy Europe presented in December 2022 for their event celebrating 10 years of Social Economy Europe and 1 year of the social economy action plan.

Th video recaps the history of the EU social economy movement, since its origins, with Rochdale pioneers in the t9th century, including some of its main milestones, and the forward-looking vision of various social economy leaders from different European countries.


About Social Economy Europe

SEE is the social economy reference point at European level, representing 2.8 million social economy organizations and enterprises in Europe. SEE currently has 24 members including European groupings, national umbrella organizations and international networks. SEE is a key actor that promotes the development and recognition of the crucial role Social Economy in EU policies, it advocates for a full implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan in its manyfold dimensions including the twin and fair transitions. It does so by maintaining constructive relations with the EU institutions (the Commission, the Parliament and particularly the Intergroup on Social Economy, the European Economic and Social Committee as well as the Committee of Regions) on important policies concerning or impacting social economy. In 2023 SEE will follow closely and monitor the Social Economy Commission recommendations to the Council and make sure they are ambitious and fit for purpose. As 2023 is the European Year of Skills, SEE plays a particularly important role in the Pact for Skills as it coordinates together with Euricse the LSP (Large-scale Skills Partnership) on Proximity and Social Economy (the 14th industrial ecosystem) as well as the Base project (Blueprint Alliance for Social Economy and Proximity Skills). SEE will also engage in a campaign for the 2024 EU Parliament elections to ensure that political parties acknowledge and support social economy in their programs.

To promote social economy widely and increase the visibility of its grass roots initiatives, SEE co-organises major European-wide events. The next will take place in the frame of the Spanish EU Presidency and with its support, November 13 and 14th in San Sebastian. Within this event, the second edition of SEE awards will be celebrated. It will also continue to support the dissemination and development of social economy worldwide by working with international organizations (such as ILO, UN and OECD), and in 2023 particular attention will be brought to partnerships with Latin America (in the frame of the EU-LAC cooperation.”


Publication date
13 June 2023
Social Economy Europe
  • Social economy organisation