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EU Social Economy Gateway

Communication toolkit


This communication toolkit features some potentially useful material for communicating about the social economy.

Download our animated videos

To download our animated videos in various formats and with subtitles in all EU languages, please visit the AV Portal:

Video: What is the social economy?

Video: What is the social economy action plan?


When you communicate about the social economy on social media, you may want to consider to include one of the following hashtags to make it easier for others to find your content and link it to the wider social economy discourse:





Social Economy Voices & YouTube playlist

Find our animated videos and all the Social Economy Voices testimonials (2022) in one place in our YouTube playlist. If you want to download the testimonials you can also find them on the AV Portal.

Check out our playlist

Download Social Economy Voices testimonials from AV Portal


Factsheet Social Economy Action Plan, December 2021

SEAP factsheet thumb

Factsheet on the Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Social Economy, June 2023

Factsheet Council Recommendation proposal and Gateway June 2023


Press releases

Social Economy Action Plan Press Release, 9 December 2021

Press release on the Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Social Economy, 13 June 2023