The idea of creating a website to bring together information relevant to the social economy emerged from consultations with various stakeholders during the development of the action plan on the social economy. The European Commission took up the idea and included the Social Economy Gateway as one of the ten key actions in the plan.
The initial structure and content of the Gateway were developed in 2022 and 2023 in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. The EU Social Economy Gateway was launched on 13 June 2023. More content has been added since and will be added over time. This project will continue to be implemented in close cooperation with the social economy.
What is in it for me?
Public officials are key in building thriving social economy ecosystems. If you are new to the topic, the Social Economy Gateway provides key information about the potential of the social economy. Learn more about EU initiatives, find out how the social economy ecosystem looks like in your country and beyond.
If you are already familiar with the social economy, the useful resources section of the portal serves as a valuable tool to stay informed. Stay up to date with the latest reports, events, and videos that provide fresh perspectives and insights.
Are you already working in a social economy organisation? Discover more about EU funding programmes that may be relevant for your organisation. The Social Economy Gateway may also be useful for finding social economy networks and upcoming events.
You might also find it engaging to explore our on the ground section, which showcases stakeholder articles highlighting the work of your fellow peers.

Are you contemplating the idea of launching a social enterprise? Or perhaps you are intrigued by alternative business models that prioritise societal and environmental impact? The Social Economy Gateway is your gateway to explore the diversity and potential of the social economy.