Call for proposals of the ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative to support National Competence Centres for Social Innovation - European Commission Skip to main content
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Call for proposals of the ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative to support National Competence Centres for Social Innovation

The second Call for Proposals under the ESF+ Social Innovation+ Initiative aims at building up and consolidating the capacity of National competence centres for social innovation (NCCs). It builds on the lessons learnt from the previous Call, published in 2020, which resulted in the creation and development of NCCs in many EU Member States.

The estimated budget of the Call is 8 million EUR. Funding will be provided for 6-8 transnational mutual learning projects focusing on the professionalisation and further development of NCCs and on the creation of NCCs within the Member States where they have not been created yet. 

Only consortia will be eligible for this Call. To be considered eligible, a consortium must include an applicant and at least two co-applicants. The members of the consortium shall represent at least 3 different Member States. An endorsement will be required to participate in this Call.

Please note that networks representing social economy and other key actors in the social innovation ecosystem are explicitly mentioned under the activities which aim at improving the professional capacities for supporting social innovation (see section 2.1. Objectives – Activities of the ‘Call Conditions’ document).

Opening date: 17 August 2023
Deadline for applications: 30 November 2023 17:00:00 Brussels time

More information on the call