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Extended deadline: Innovative Approaches to Mitigate the Societal Consequences of Russia’s War of Aggression against Ukraine within EU Countries

Social Innovation + Initiative Call for Proposal

The European Competence Centre for Social Innovation has launched a new open call under the ESF+ Social Innovation + Initiative, aiming at mitigating the societal consequences caused by the Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine.

With an indicative budget of €22 million, the call aims to finance innovative and impactful projects that address the challenges faced by EU societies and public services due to the ongoing crisis. The focus is on supporting the integration and social inclusion of people displaced from Ukraine, assisting Member States in these unprecedented circumstances.

In line with the objectives of the ESF+ Social Innovation + initiative, this call promotes transnational cooperation and mutual learning among EU Member States. It seeks to foster the transfer and upscaling of social innovation, introducing new approaches to societal challenges that empower citizens and improve our societies and welfare systems.

Who is eligible to apply? Only consortia are eligible. To be considered eligible, the consortium must include an applicant (the coordinator) and at least one co-applicant. The members of the consortium shall represent at least two different EU Member States. Only Member States of the EU are eligible.

Available budget: EUR 22 000 000

Grant amount: The estimated size of a grant is between EUR 200 000 to EUR 700 000 per project (but this does not preclude the submission/selection of applications requesting other amounts), constituting not more than 80% of the project’s total budget. A co-financing of at least 20% must thus come from other resources than the EU budget. 
Project duration: Projects should normally range between 12 and 18 months
Deadline for applications:  30 May 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time.

More information and application