The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) is an independent organisation catalysing impact investment and entrepreneurship to benefit people and the planet. The GSG was established in August 2015 as the successor to and incorporating the work of the Social Impact Investment Taskforce established under the UK´s 2013 presidency of the G8.
A registered UK charity since November 2017, the GSG currently has 36 member countries. Chaired by Sir Ronald Cohen, the GSG brings together leaders from finance, business and philanthropy to solve some of the world’s most pressing social and environmental challenges.
What they do:
- Policy: Engage with policymakers to make the case for impact and agitate for a worldwide shift to impact economies.
- Knowledge sharing: Bring together the global impact community to share knowledge and build understanding of the benefits of impact investment.
- Innovation: Develop innovative ideas, approaches, and products for impact.
- Market building: Foster local impact economies with National Advisory Boards in 36 countries and growing.
- Name
- Website
- realimpact
gsgii [dot] org
- Social media