Welcome to the EU Social Economy Gateway
Find information for and about the social economy in Europe.
Learn more about:
- the concept of social economy
- the social economy action plan
- funding opportunities
- social economy ecosystems in the EU Member States
- and much more!
What's new?
- G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting Declaration added
- 3 new COSME calls for proposals added
- SEE BRIDGE Open Call for SE SMEs in energy intensive industries (cascade funding under SMP-COSME-2022-SEE-01)
- SKI.F.T. Skills for Transition - Increasing the Impact of Micro and Small Social Economy Enterprises (cascade funding under SMP-COSME-2022-SEE-01)
- SOFIGREEN: Support for the environmental transition of processes and activities of social economy enterprises (cascade funding under SMP-COSME-2022-SEE-01)
- Home page restructured, new "About the Social Economy" page and Updates log
- Two new topics in focus: Social economy strategies, Social impact measurement
- Upcoming Youth Entrepreneurship Policy Academy online workshops about youth entrepreneurship - September 11, 12, 16 and 19, register here!
- New stakeholder article: Buying Social and Circular for the Paris Olympic Games
Social economy action plan – time horizon: 2030
With more than 60 actions outlined in the action plan for the social economy, the European Commission is dedicated to implementing an ambitious programme to improve the framework conditions for the social economy.
We hope to count on your support to help us achieve our common goals.
A mid-term review of the implementation of the action plan is planned for 2025.
On the ground
Learn more about the conscious effort of public procurers (SOLIDEO), social economy enterprises (Halage), and intermediary actors (like Les Canaux via the ESS2024 platform) to promote inclusive job opportunities and minimise the carbon footprint at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Learn more about "Y.ES Project – Say yes to the Social Economy" that promotes capacity-building within the scope of Social Economy, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship and innovation through its Y.ES Academy.
Learn more about a new awareness Raising Package that includes learning modules about the Social and Solidarity Economy in six languages produced by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on the Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE).