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EU Social Economy Gateway
  • News article
  • 20 October 2023
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

Social Economy Insider: a new magazine to understand the latest trends in the social economy

Social Economy Insider Cover Page

The baSE project - Blueprint for advanced skills & trainings in the social economy (2022-2026) - is a Blueprint Alliance selected by the EU Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme. It brings together a diverse group of key stakeholders, including businesses, educational and training providers, research institutions, social partners, and sector experts, to address skills mismatches and deliver new skills aligned with occupational profiles in the Social Economy (SE) sector. Through sectorial and cross-sectorial activities within the socio-economic environment, the results and outputs will have an extensive and long-lasting effect to support the proximity and social economy ecosystem.

We are delighted to present the inaugural edition of 'Social Economy Insider', an extension of the baSE project. This groundbreaking magazine, co-created through contributions from our diverse range of experts and key partners, is dedicated to uncovering the latest trends in the social economy on a European scale.

Social Economy Insider magazine double page

'Social Economy Insider' serves as a portal for understanding the nuances of skill development, impact investing, sustainable entrepreneurship, conscious consumerism, and innovative models that prioritize both people and the planet. The magazine offers a diverse range of content, including articles, insightful interviews, compelling case studies, and podcasts that vividly illustrate the immense potential within the social economy sector. Our mission is to illuminate the intricate interplay between economic progress and social advancement, amplifying the voices of those dedicated to making a meaningful impact. Our content is carefully curated to inform, inspire, and ignite meaningful conversations.

The vision for this magazine is to become an independent platform, open to all social economy actors for the submission of articles, podcasts, news, and interviews. It is a space where social economy stakeholders can share, engage, and provide a platform for their voices to be heard. The content will encompass existing and ongoing projects while also featuring original and novel articles.

The inaugural edition, has been published in October 2023 and is focusing on SKILLS. The subsequent issues will be released semi-annually.

Contact us to share your ideas and join us in building a stronger, innovative and unified voice for the social economy: baseproject4skillsatgmail [dot] com (baseproject4skills[at]gmail[dot]com).

Author: Diesis Network


  • EU level
  • National level
  • Partnerships / Social economy clusters
  • Publication