Welcome to the EU Social Economy Gateway
Find information for and about the social economy in Europe.
Learn more about:
- the concept of social economy
- the social economy action plan
- funding opportunities
- social economy ecosystems in the EU Member States
- and much more!
What's new?
- New stakeholder article added: Impact Measurement and Management - FEBEA
- Social Economy Voices: 12 testimonial videos from EU level networks added on the videos page and the stakeholder mapping page.
- Public consultation and call for evidence for the evaluation of the Public Procurement Directives added
- New stakeholder article added: Key Financial Instruments for Supporting Business Initiatives in Reducing Food Waste and Losses
- SSE Essentials podcast added
- Link to Transition pathway stakeholder collaboration platform added
- New COSME call for proposal added: Agrifood and Retail SMEs Renewable Energy Communities (SMP-COSME-2024-REC-01)
- New COSME call for proposal added: Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for Europe’s recovery (SMP-COSME-2024-CLUSTER)
- New report on EU funding for SE added to country page France (in FR)
- New stakeholder article added: Social Economy Insider magazine – 3rd edition is out!
Social economy action plan – time horizon: 2030
With more than 60 actions outlined in the action plan for the social economy, the European Commission is dedicated to implementing an ambitious programme to improve the framework conditions for the social economy.
We hope to count on your support to help us achieve our common goals.
A mid-term review of the implementation of the action plan is planned for 2025.
On the ground
Learn more about impact measurement and management in this publication by FEBEA.
This research paper provides a comprehensive overview of the key financial tools available to businesses engaged in food waste reduction and loss prevention.
Read the latest edition of "Social Economy Insider", the baSE magazine.